1. General information

The publication of accepted manuscripts is free.

The manuscript should be sent as an attachment to the e-mail. A printed copy should also be sent by regular mail. Please note that we accept only non-registered letters. Registered postal packets are not accepted.

The journal “Proceedings of VSU. Series: History. Political science. Sociology” publishes original research results in the forms of full-length articles (up to 25000 symbols for Doctors of Sciences, up to 15000 symbols for PhD students), short “squibs” and book reviews.

To publish an article authors should submit the following materials to the editors and documents:

1) the text of the article, in accordance with the following requirements, signed by all authors, UDC, tables, figures and captions (in 2 copies);

2) article title, abstract, keywords, initials and surname of the author, place of work – in Russian and English languages (2 copies);

3) files of all submitted materials on electronic media or by e-mail edition;

4) Information about the authors: their position, academic degree, telephone number and e-mail (in Russian and English);

5) direction of the organization, conclusion on the possibility of open publication, expert opinion of the internal export control commission, license agreement signed by all authors.

2. Style sheet

The manuscript should include:

The template

UDC Index


The author’s name
Academic affiliation
Date of manuscript submission

Abstract: (in Russian, font size 12, single-spaced)

Key words: (in Russian)

Abstract: (in English)

Key words: (in English)

The text of the manuscript (Times New Roman Cyrillic, font size 14, 1,5-spaced)

References (ЛИТЕРАТУРА)

Author’s contact information

English translation of the title of the article.

Reference styles


Тодд М. Варвары. Древние германцы. Быт, религия, культура /М. Тодд. – М., 2005.

Article in a journal

Херманн М. Г. Составные части лидерства /М. Г. Херманн // Мир политики : суждения и оценки западных политологов. – М., 1992. – С. 91–107.

Internet source

Лотман Ю. М. Символ в системе культуры /Ю. М. Лотман // Избранные статьи : в 3 т. – Т. I. Статьи по семиотике и топологии культуры. – Таллин : Александра, 1992. – С. 191–199. – Режим доступа:

Сборник статей

Рассказы о сновидениях : корпусное исследование устного русского дискурса / под ред. А. А. Кибрика и В. И. Подлесской. – М. : Языки славянских культур, 2009. – 736 с.

Sources in foreign languages

Rougemont G. Inscriptions grecques d’Iran et d’Asie centrale (Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum) / G. Rougemont. – London, 2012.

3. Specifications and requirements for formatting and styling the paper

Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman Cyrillic, font size 14, each page numbered. Use A4 paper, standard margins.

Formulas, figures and tables should be given a number. A brief title or caption should also be set above the body of the table.

References to other sources should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. Page references should be provided when reference is made to a specific passage in a book or article. These appear after the number of publication and are preceded by a colon and a single space.

At the end of the article, a full list of references must be provided under the heading ЛИТЕРАТУРА. Please ensure that the reference list is complete when preparing the manuscript. Omissions often cause delay in publication.

Please note that entries should be arranged in the order they are mentioned in the text. Use the State Standard ГОСТ 7.1–2003 for reference styles.

4. Requirements for formatting the electronic file

Please use the Microsoft Word text editor. Tables should be included as parts of the text (not as graphic objects). If graphic objects are used in the text as figures, they should be in one of the following formats: TIFF, JPEG, ВМР, WMF.