The journal "Bulletin of Voronezh State University", series "Problems of higher education" accepts for publication the main results of research activities in scientific specialties: 5.8.1. - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences), 5.8.7. – Methodology and technology of vocational education (pedagogical sciences), 5.3.4. – Pedagogical psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological sciences), 5.3.5. – Social psychology, political and economic psychology (psychological sciences).

Articles containing the results of original research on the problems of pedagogy and psychology of higher education are published in the form of articles (up to 8 pages of the manuscript and 4 drawings), reviews (in agreement with the editorial board), as well as reviews of educational and scientific publications devoted to psychological and pedagogical problems of higher education. Articles should have scientific novelty, disclose topical issues of pedagogy and psychology of higher education, and be of a problematic nature. Previously published articles, materials submitted for publication in other journals, as well as articles that do not correspond to the profile of the journal, are not accepted for consideration.

The term of consideration of the article is 6 months.

The article should be written concisely, neatly designed in accordance with the requirements set out below and carefully edited.

The authors are responsible for the selection and reliability of the facts, quotations, statistical and other data, proper names, geographical names and other factual information, the accuracy of the bibliographic description of the literary sources used.

To publish an article, the authors must submit it to the editorial office by e-mail the following materials and documents:

Russian Russian text in accordance with the following requirements (UDC, structure of the article, tables, figures and captions to them); the article is preceded by the title, annotation, keywords – in Russian and English; the article ends with information about the authors (with full and accurate indication of the place of work, the authors' surnames, first names and patronymics, their academic degrees and titles (if any), positions, email addresses and phone numbers) – in Russian and English. The file name must contain the authors' surnames (in Russian);

2) direction of the organization; conclusion on the possibility of open publication; expert opinion of the internal export control commission;

3) a license agreement signed by all authors.

Articles sent to the editorial office are reviewed (in the "blind" review mode) and checked for originality in the "Anti-Plagiarism-university" system. The threshold value is 75.0% originality (excluding the list of references and information about the authors).

The article sent to the author for revision must be returned in a corrected form within 3 weeks. The revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing answers to all the comments and recommendations of the reviewer and explaining all the changes made in the article. In case of revision of the article, the date of its receipt to the editorial office is the date of return of the revised manuscript to the editorial office.

The number of authors of the article is no more than 3.

Authors are not charged for the publication of articles.

The content of the materials sent to the editorial board of the journal and their design must meet the established requirements (see the website of the journal "Bulletin of Voronezh State University", the series "Problems of higher Education", the section "To Authors":

Full-text versions of articles published in the journal, annotations, keywords, information about the authors in Russian and English are freely available (Open Access) on the Internet on the official website of the publication and on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU.


Manuscripts of articles and reviews begin with the UDC index (it should start with 378 for pedagogical articles and 159.9 for psychological ones), followed by: the title of the article (in Russian and English), initials and surnames of the authors, detailed and exact names of educational (scientific) organizations in which the authors work. The following are: abstract (up to 10 lines) and keywords (up to 10 words and short phrases) – in Russian and English. The abstract should not repeat fragments of the text of the article verbatim.

The editorial board recommends that the authors structure the submitted text according to the following sections: INTRODUCTION, THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM, METHODS AND ORGANIZATION OF RESEARCH, RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND CONCLUSION. In some cases, there may be no subheadings, but the logic of the presentation of the material should reproduce these main sections of the structure of the article.

The list of references is indicated by the word "Literature" (centered alignment), numbered in the order of citation in the text (and not alphabetically).

At the end of the article, information about the authors is placed: full and exact place of work, full names, first names, patronymics, academic degree and title (if available), positions, contact details (email, phone) – in Russian and English.


The text of the article should be printed at 1.5 intervals on white A4 paper, margins – 20 mm above and below, 30 mm on the left, 15 mm on the right, paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm, font size of the main text – 14 pt, annotations and keywords – 12 pt (typeface Times New Roman Cyr).

The pages of the manuscript are not numbered. Figures, tables and references to literature are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. Each table should have a thematic title (at the top of the table), each figure should have a thematic caption (at the bottom of the figure). The size of the text in the tables is 12 pt, the line spacing is 1.0. Tables are part of the text and should not be created as graphic objects.

All abbreviations and abbreviations, with the exception of well-known ones, must be deciphered when first used in the text.

The reference to the literature used is given in the text by a number in square brackets. In the case of a quotation, the source page from which the quotation was borrowed is given in square brackets after the source number, separated by a comma (for example, [3, p. 27]). If there is a link to the source in the table, in its title or in the caption to the figure, it is assigned an ordinal number corresponding to the location of this material in the text of the article. All sources included in the list of references should be referenced in the text. References to unpublished works are not allowed, except for manuscripts of dissertations and abstracts of dissertations.

The list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE. General requirements and rules of compilation". It is recommended to include from 6 to 12 sources in the list of references. At the same time, the list should not include more than 30% of the works of the authors of the article.

Manuscripts drawn up in violation of editorial requirements are not accepted for consideration and are not reviewed.


All materials submitted to the editorial office of the journal that correspond to its profile and have a text originality level of at least 75.0% are reviewed for the purpose of their expert evaluation (in the "blind review" mode).

Both members of the editorial board of the journal and invited specialists can act as reviewers. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials.

The reviewer evaluates the relevance and scientific novelty of the research results submitted for publication, their theoretical and practical significance, the availability of necessary references to data from other works.

The review period is from 3 to 5 months.

The authors are informed about the results of the review. Reviews are sent to the e-mail address specified in the information about the authors.

In case of a positive review and the presence of at least 75.0% of the original text of the article are subjected to scientific and / or literary editing and are recommended by the editorial board for publication. If the result of the review is negative, a copy of the review or a reasoned refusal is sent to the author.

Refusal to publish is possible in the following cases:

– inconsistencies of the article with the profile of the journal;

– gross violations committed when quoting, as well as when the level of originality of the text is less than 75.0%;

– inconsistencies of the article with the criteria of scientific, problematic, theoretical and practical significance;

– negative review result;

– publication of an article in other publications or submission of identical materials for publication in other publications;

– inconsistencies in the design of the article with the requirements.

The opinion of the editorial board may not coincide with the position of the authors of the article.

The manuscripts submitted to the editorial board, for which a negative conclusion was made about the impossibility of publication, are not returned to the authors.

The original reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years from the date of publication of the articles. If the editorial office receives a corresponding request, copies of the reviews are provided to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.